
ICH Reflection on “GCP Renovation”: Modernization of ICH E8 and Subsequent Renovation of ICH E6

25-02-2017 / Daniela van 't Ent - Ifrim / Legislation

ICH is inviting public review and comment on a reflection paper on Good Clinical Practice "Renovation", which contains the ICH proposal for further modernization of the ICH Guidelines related to clinical trial design, planning, management, and conduct. The scope of…

The 5th Global QA Conference: One World - Challenging the Global Boundaries

23-02-2017 / Daniela van 't Ent - Ifrim / Conference

The 5th Global QA Conference will take place at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre during the 1st-3rd November 2017. This conference runs every three years and is being hosted by the RQA in 2017. 

The program and more information can be…

New amendment to the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act and the Medicines Act

01-10-2016 / Daniela van 't Ent - Ifrim / Legislation

On March 12th 2016 The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport has submitted the proposal to amend the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO) and the Medicines Act in connection with the implementation of Regulation 536/2014 in the area…

DARQA 35 jarig jubileum

01-10-2016 / Daniela van 't Ent - Ifrim / Conference

On Thursday, 26th of May and Friday, 27th May 2016 the Dutch Association of Research Quality Assurance (DARQA) organizes a pre-conference and a jubilee conference day.

The pre-conference provides insights into the future of quality and system thinking and the programme is intended…